army chief on staff for communications electronics
army chief of staff
: 陸軍参謀本部{りくぐん さんぼう ほんぶ}、陸軍参謀長{りくぐん さんぼうちょう}
communications electronics
: {名} :
: {名} : 通信電子{つうしん でんし}
chief of staff
: chief of staff 幕僚長 ばくりょうちょう 参謀長 さんぼうちょう
army staff
: 陸軍幕僚
communications and electronics division
: {組織} : 通信課、通信電子課
communications-electronics security group
: {組織} : 《英》電子通信安全局{でんし つうしん あんぜん きょく}
joint communications electronics committee
: {組織} : 通信用電子機器連合委員会◆【略】JCEC
army electronics command
: {組織} : 《米》陸軍電子軍◆【略】USAECOM
army electronics proving ground
: 《米》陸軍電子装置性能証明実験場◆【略】USAEPG
electronics command army
: {組織} : 陸軍電子軍司令軍◆【略】ECOM
assistant chief of staff
: 《米軍》参謀長{さんぼうちょう}、部長{ぶちょう}◆【略】ACS
assistant chief of staff, g1
: assistant chief of staff, g1 第一部長 だいいちぶちょう
assistant chief of staff, g2
: assistant chief of staff, g2 調査部長 ちょうさぶちょう 第二部長 だいにぶちょう
assistant chief of staff, g3
: assistant chief of staff, g3 防衛部長 ぼうえいぶちょう 第三部長 だいさんぶちょう
"army camp" 意味
"army captain" 意味
"army chaplain" 意味
"army chief general" 意味
"army chief of staff" 意味
"army circles" 意味
"army civilian" 意味
"army civilian employee" 意味
"army clique" 意味
"army chief general" 意味
"army chief of staff" 意味
"army circles" 意味
"army civilian" 意味
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